Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Light Burst Forth: Lesa Cline-Ransome

September 9th, 2014

Today, Lesa Cline-Ransome came and discussed her life as an author.  Apart from reading excerpts of one of her stories, Light in the Darkness, Lesa explained her life as a writer and where she draws inspiration.  Lesa's friendly and calm demeanor invited her readers to put their daily lives on hold and dive into her story.

I really enjoyed the fact an author came to speak with us, and I think Lesa was a great choice.  She was engaging, and as an audience member, I felt as though she gave us all her energy and attention.  Her love for writing and researching historical figures shined, along with her appreciation for the reader.

Lesa showed her collection of works.  For class, we were only required to read Words Set Me Free.  I think this was a good book to use as an introduction to Lesa's work, for it really highlighted her love for history and the individuals that shaped it.

The second part of class focused on book talks.  I particularly like this activity because it familiarizes me with works that I can use in the classroom, that I may not have known about prior.  I find myself ordering the books from Amazon right after it is presented!

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