Sunday, November 9, 2014

Where is Literature's Place? Week/Topic 11 Reading and Class Review

Chapter 2 Review

This chapter's main focus was the role of literature in the lives of young readers.  What I liked most about this chapter was its multiple teaching idea suggestions.  My favorite being found on page 43 (Galda), describing the 7 types of responses found in elementary classrooms:
1. Listening behaviors (ex: laughing, applause)
2. Contact with books (browsing)
3. Acting on the impulse to share
4. Oral responses (storytelling, discussion)
5. Actions and drama (dramatic play)
6. Making things (pictures, displays)
7. Writing using literary models (summarizing, writing about books)

Often times, children have such negative experiences with books or reading because they are forced into reading or analyzing one specific book, and not being offered the time to interact with the text without an assignment lingering close by.  Our goal, as teachers, is to have children respond to literature in any and all of the 7 examples listed above, in a way that is enjoyable.  We must foster a love for reading in order to allow literature to play a key role in a child's life.


  1. I agree Nicole with your comment that children have negative experiences with texts because of a fear of a project or assignment that they may have to do after they finished reading. I believe it is important as a teacher to allow students to choose their own books and provide time for "reading for pleasure". I have "DEAR" time everyday. Students look forward to DEAR time and it helps to promote life-long readers!

  2. Nicole, I agree that children mostly experience reading in a negative way when it is forced upon them. Reading should be something that they enjoy or see as an "escape" from reality. DEAR time is a great way to encourage reading in the classroom.
    -Megan :)
